Saturday, November 22

Lately when I've been on the prowl to find new graffiti. Last week when my band was playing the Masquerade in ATL, GA I was excited because I thought it would be a HAVEN of bafroom graffiti.  Before we took the stage I ran up to the lower level ladies room, camera phone in hand... excited as a kid on Christmas morning. From the doorway the smell alone was enough to make you vomit in your mouth a little bit. It reeked of a dozen dirty diapers, but I went on with it and held my breath for the sake of ART. 
Off the bat I didnt see anything around the sink or mirror worth mentioning... just random "blah LOVES blah FOREVER!! 2008!" SO I headed for the first stall.
No graffiti, just a floater someone never bothered to flush. Which by the way, is just RUDE. 
The next stall was occupied 
by someone getting their fix of the booger sugar. I know this because I heard it loud and clear. One more stall was left I opened the door and looked around. There was one little piece... and boy was it PROFOUND...

" I pooped in here <3"
only to be followed by....


Wow... REALLY MASQUERADE? THIS IS ALL YOU GOT? Fuck man, I thought I'd have an arsenal of photos to post for months after this stop. NOPE. AND ALSO BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTION... The occupant eventually came out of the stall and it was a MAN! Now that's class.
Fed up with everything I decided to take a trip up to Heaven, which is the top floor of the venue. Heaven is where all the big shows are, so I was hoping to find something better up there. I pushed my way thru the Cobra Starship crowd fighting off parents and sweaty tweens. When I reached the little girl's room there was a army of girls at the mirror fixing their makeup and arguing over boys. There was graffiti everywhere but it was crap. There's no point in taking pictures of "KATIE's A SLUT" or "GYM CLASS HEROS RULE" so i spared you the adolescent bullshit.
"Thanks Masquerade... for nothing"
And to all you show going girls... why dont you start writing about shit that matters? or at least something KIND OF FUNNY?

Wednesday, November 12


I would habe continued my daily posts, had i not run out of graffiti pics :(
Please, If you have some, send em my way!!!

Tuesday, November 4

No graffiti today.  Just reminding everyone to VOTE!

Monday, November 3

Friday, October 31

Thursday, October 30

don't date guys in the band...

This one here is another gem from the mill hill saloon. I love it because it is great advice... unless you are dating one of the guys in MY BAND  ;)

Wednesday, October 29

This was the "bafroom graffiti" that inspired me to start this blog. I saw it on tour with my band the T!Katz in a ladies room in Trenton, NJ @ Joe's Mill Hill Saloon
The Mother Teresa Quote was what really made me stop and take a picture, but there was this cool dinosaur- girl a couple tiles over that intrigued me as well. There's the possibility that it's all by the same person, but we'll never know- thats the beauty of this stuff!